Sunday, October 9, 2016

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TERKUAK ternyata INI Jumlah Kekayaan Sandiaga Uno dan Anies

Couples will be candidates for governor and vice governor of Jakarta,
Anies Baswedan-Uno Uno, went Building Corruption Eradication Commission
(KPK) on Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (29/9).
The arrival of this pair is to submit documents Wealth Report State (LHKPN) related to their candidacy in elections in 2017 DKI.
However, yesterday just Uno Uno who submit documents that LHKPN. While Anies Baswedan admitted only drove the Uno.
Anies admitted that he had handed LHKPN after quitting as Minister of Education and Culture two months ago.
Uno Uno himself was reluctant to reveal the amount of his wealth after LHKPN deposit the documents to the Commission.
Nevertheless Sandi said that 97 percent of its assets are located in Indonesia.
He also denied allegations that he kept the precious assets abroad as said Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok.
appreciate the process, we respect the Commission and the Commission.
As many as 97 percent of the value of the treasure and my wealth is in
Indonesia. It shows that the accusations that I keep assets abroad is
not true. All I argued with the data that I submit to the Commission,
" password.
In the Wikipedia page was recorded, in 2007, Uno entered at No. 122
richest people in Indonesia magazine Globe Asia with total assets of the
company reached 80 million US dollars.
Meanwhile, in 2008 he was crowned the 63rd richest man in Indonesia with total assets of 245 million US dollars.
In 2009 Sandi entered as a newcomer in the list of 40 richest people of Indonesia according to Forbes magazine.
The magazine wrote Sandi has a wealth of 400 million dollars and is ranked 29th.
In 2011, Forbes released the list of the richest people in Indonesia. Uno Uno was ranked 37th with a total wealth of 660 million US dollars (approximately Rp 8.5 trillion).
in debt
Meanwhile Anies Baswedan've LHKPN submit documents to the Commission when he became Minister of Education. Anies recorded total assets of Rp 8,616,199,642 and USD 9,871.
But interestingly, Anies has a debt in the form of a loan amounting to
Rp 4,678,495,158, so that the total wealth of Anies Rp 3,937,704,484
and 9,871 dollars.
From the data in the pages, Anies own property, namely land and buildings in Jakarta 2 units.
Then Anies also have a car the Toyota Avanza and Toyota Innova and Honda Astrea and Honda Revo.
In addition, Anies also has deposits in the form of precious metals and securities and demand deposits.
Anies treasure is not much different to that reporting when it became the rector of Paramadina.
When it Anies recorded a wealth of Rp 7,479,795,186 and USD 8882 with
debts of Rp 4,881,540,950 for a total fortune of Rp 2,598,254,236 and
USD 8882.
And what about the assets of the couple petahana Basuki Purnama Tjahaja Ahok- Djarot Saiful Hidayat alias?
In a document submitted LHKPN Ahok November 2014, recorded Ahok wealth reached Rp 21.302.079.561 and 3,749 US dollars.
That number has increased almost two-fold compared to the two previous
years, the amount of wealth, 2012. At that time Ahok Rp 12,458,296,063
and 5,030 US dollars (March 2012)
While Djarot not known whether it has been updated LHKPN document or not.
Based on the record of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK),
Djarot wealth last reported on 21 April 2005. At that time he was still
serving as Mayor of Blitar.
In the data can be accessed via the site, total wealth
Djarot that time amounted to Rp 1,747,386,828 and 7,520 US dollars.
The wealth of the three units in the form of land and buildings that are in Surabaya and Blitar. Value reached Rp 1.01 billion.
While the movable property in the form of transportation listed in the report worth Rp 212 million.
Means of transport in the form of car brands Toyota, Volvo, and VW Beatle and a Yamaha motorcycle.
There is also a precious metal that reported Djarot worth USD 15.715 million. Djarot also reported value of demand deposits and other cash equivalents amounted to USD 509 239 828 and 7,520 US dollars

Kronologi Oknum TNI Setubuhi 2 Anak Kandungnya Hingga Hamil

SEMARAPURA - Oknum  TNI , Victor Marcos Soares menghamili 2 anak kandungnya, AO (16) MC (20).

Alasannya, tak punya uang dan takut penyakit jika ‘main’ dengan wanita lain.

Tragisnya lagi, janin hubungan terlarang itu, diminta sang bapak untuk digugurkan, dengan alasan di hamili pacar korban.


Sang bapak mengajak 2 anaknya itu ke penginapan dengan alasan periksa keperawanan

AO adalah siswi sebuah sekolah menengah atas Semarapura, Klungkung.

saat pertama kali merenggut kegadisan v O, Victor tak mengantarnya sekolah.

Victor berbelok arah menuju ke sebuah penginapan

Sang anak heran dibawa ayah nya ke sebuah penginapan lantas bertanya, namun Victor malah memintanya melepas baju V O kembali bertanya, “Ini kamar apa?”

Sang bapak diam, tidak men jawab.

V O terhentak ketika sang bapak mengatakan, “Buka celana mu."

V O menolaknya.

Sang bapak yang sudah tak tahan lagi untuk menyetubuhi darah dagingnya sendiri naik pitam mengambil sandal sebelah kanan dan mengancam memukul V O.

“Kalau mau selamat, buka pakaian mu,” perintah sang bapak

V O ketakutan, melepas pakaiannya.

Semuanya pun terjadi.

Victor menyewa kamar penginapan ini seharga Rp 50ribu untuk 2 jam.

Selanjutnya perbuatan terlarang itu terus di lakukan  berturut dari Januari 2015 hingga Januari 2016 sebanyak 30 kali.

Akibat perbuatannya, V O pun hamil empat bulan.

Janinnya digugurkan di sebuah klinik di Jakarta dibantu kerabat pelaku.

Mengetahui dirinya hamil, V O stres.

Dia pun browsing di internet mencari cara untuk menggugurkan kandungan.

Selanjutnya Victor membawa V O ke Jakarta untuk menggugurkan kandungan.

Saat berada di Jakarta, Victor ditanyai oleh adiknya perihal kehamilan V O.

Tanpa merasa bersalah, Victor menjawab V O dihamili pacarnya.

Namun V O menceritakan kepada bapak kecilnya itu bahwa yang menghamili nya adalah bapak.

Tak puas dengan V O, dalam kurun waktu yang sama, sang ayah semakin keranjingan.

Kakak V O yaitu M C, juga 'digarap'.

Pertama kali terjadi di tahun 2015 ketika M C pulang dari Surabaya.

Ditiduri berkali-kali, M C pun hamil.

Sang ayah tak percaya lalu mengajak M C mengecek kehamilan.

Ternyata benar, M C positif hamil

Selanjutnya Victor meminta MC menggugurkan kandungannya dengan alasan dihamili sang pacar

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

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