Monday, October 10, 2016

Seragam Kampanye Agus Yudhoyono Yang Serba Hitam

On the right there is a uniform emblem reads 'Indonesia' and emblem flag. On the left arm, there is a third emblem whose position sequentially from top to bottom. At the top there is the emblem of his initials are 'AHY', and
underneath it reads #JakartaUntukRakyat emblem, and the bottom is the
emblem # JKT4ALL.
There are several types of AHY Uniform produced by timsesnya. Besides clothes that looked like a uniform tactical, there is also a more material tepis but still long sleeves. The uniforms worn by the winning team Agus. There nametag on the front right side to display the name of the owner clothes. However, because the model like a drawstring, the parts can be changed with another emblem.
"The most important thing I always carry Merah Putih here (arm). This
conveys the message that I am a nationalist. No banging of SARA. And in
the end all for the people of Indonesia who represented storefront
Indonesia through Jakarta," said Agus.
Emblem 'Jakarta for All' is an association of the vision and mission of Agus-Sylvi. Tagline this pair also is Jakarta For the People.
for all of course all the people. So do not be part of the community,
but all of them. It is important everything to my greetings and I
listen. Suggestions from the public," he said.

TactiCool, Seragam Kampanye Agus Yudhoyono Yang Serba Hitam Dan Filosofinya

TactiCool, Uniform Campaign Agus Yudhoyono The Serba Black and philosophy
Jakarta - Will cagub Harimurti Agus Yudhoyono has its own style to suit his campaign. With a style all in black, a former Army officer's uniform named as TactiCool.
During the socialization with people, Agus often appeared with army-style clothes but made casually. Uniform shirt was created as a model soldier Tactical commonly used during training or in the field.
Agus also looks fashionable uniforms because the size is fit body. With black, was the eldest son of General Chairman of the Democratic
Party (PD) is a neutral effort by not showing the color characteristics
of the four parties supporting him.
Special Uniforms Campaign Agus Harimurti (Photo: Hasan Al Habshy)
Special Uniform Campaign Agus Harimurti (Photo: Hasan Al Habshy)
As is known, four bearer party Agus and Sylviana Murni has at least two distinctive colors. Democrats and PAN identical blue and white, then PPP and PKB is green.
"This (model clothes) tactical, used military. Because until whenever
this is what I am," said Agus when they travel to AFP editorial, South
Jakarta, on Thursday (6/10) last week.
According to former Danyon 203 / Arya Kemuning this, in the military has always had a trademark or characteristic. But Agus ensure uniform he wore not to show off alone.
is to unify energy, unifying identity. Black does not associate any
party. Black simple, black and white no more assertiveness course," he

Survei LSI Sebut Elektabilitas Ahok Djarot 31,4%, Populi Centre 45,5 %, ...

Ahok Minta Maaf Ke Seluruh Umat Islam

Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok akhirnya minta maaf

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Berkenalan Dengan Warga, Agus Yudhoyono Lari Pagi Di Ragunan

Survei Membuktikan Agus yudhoyono Punya Tempat Di Masyarakat Jakarta

Survei Membuktikan Agus yudhoyono Punya Tempat Di Masyarakat Jakarta

Bakal calon gubernur DKI Jakarta Agus Yudhoyono mengaku tak kecil hati jika dalam survei posisinya berada pada urutan terakhir di bawah dua cagub lainnya.

Agus Yudhoyono justru bersyukur melihat kecenderungan popularitas dan elektabilitasnya merangkak naik.

"Kalau saya melihat dari titik poinnya 0,6 persen, sehingga sangat mudah bagi pengamat untuk mengatakan saya terlalu prematur dan tidak berpengalaman dalam berpolitik."

"Saya memahami itu semua, tetapi alhamdulillah survei membuktikan saya mempunyai tempat di masyarakat Jakarta," kata Agus Yudhoyono di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan, Minggu (9/10/2016).

Agus menjadikan hasil survei dan pengamatan sebagai cambuk untuk mengenalkan diri ke masyarakat. Pagi ini, Agus Yudhoyono berlari di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan sambil menyapa dan berfoto bersama warga.

"Saya semakin semangat meningkatkan elektabilitas dan terus berupaya memperkenalkan profile kami. Mengenalkan pikiran dan gagasan kami kepada masyarakat Jakarta," ujar Agus Yudhoyono.

Sayangnya, Agus Yudhoyono enggan memaparkan visi misi dan program kerjanya. Berbeda dari dua pasangan calon lain yang sudah menyampaikan visi misi serta beberapa program unggulan, Agus Yudhoyono baru akan menyampaikannya ketika memasuki masa kampanye nanti, 26 Oktober 2016 hingga 11 Februari 2017.

Saat ini, Agus Yudhoyono mau fokus mengenalkan diri ke masyarakat dulu.

"Karena memang belum masuk ke masa kampanye, tidak boleh menyampaikan visi dan misi ke warga. Saya punya cara sendiri tentu ada penjelasan. Pada saatnya saya jelaskan secara gamblang apa yang bisa saya tawarkan," ujar Agus Yudhoyono.